Sunday, March 1, 2015


Altitude [al-ti-tyood]
The altitude (also known as the height) is line at right angle to a side that goes through the oposite vertex.

Image result for altitude in geometry

* Blue line is the altitude while the red lines are the triangle's edges. 

Vanishing Point

Vanishing Point [van-ish-ing point]
A vanishing point is a a certain location in a perspective drawing which receding parallel line, depending on how viewed, can alternate perspective. Allows a shape or figure to appear faintly closer or further (smaller/bigger) depending on how close and how it is placed in coloration with the vanishing point.      

Perspective Drawing

Perspective Drawing [per-spek-tiv draw-ing]
Perspective drawing is an accurate portrayal on a flat surface (usually facilitated by an isometric dot paper) of an image seen by the eyes. This type of drawing primarily focuses on perspective points and vanishing points on the paper,  allowing images to appear closer or further based on the designated drawing.

This is extremely important in geometry, for it allows one to create a clear representations of a 3D solid figure (usually very hard achieve).     

Isometric Dot Paper

Isometric Dot Paper [ahy-suh-me-trik dot pey-per]
An isometric dot paper (also known as 3D paper) is a type of graph paper which allows for more accurate drawing of solid figures. By having small dots all over the paper, it allows for the user to connect the dots, crating both edges and vertices with more facility.  


Diagonal [dahy-ag-uh-nl]
A diagonal is a straight line inside a shape that goes from one vertex to another (cannot intersect an edge). When we join two vertices of a polygon which isn't already joined by an edge, we get a diagonal.

*Both dotted lines are indeed diagonals 

Parallel Planes

Parallel Planes [par-uh-lel pleyn]
Parallel planes are planes that do not intersect and are indeed parallel. Two planes that aren't parallel (intersecting planes) intersect at a line.

Examples of Parallel Planes

An example of parallel planes are the walls and floor of a room; never intersecting.  

Platonic Solid

Platonic Solid [pluh-ton-ik sol-id]
A platonic solid is a 3D shape which has the following characteristics:

  • each face is the same exact polygon 
  • the same number of polygon meet at each vertex/corner   

  • 3 triangles meet at each vertex
  • 4 Faces
  • 4 Vertices
  • 6 Edges

  • 3 squares meet at each vertex
  • 6 Faces
  • 8 Vertices
  • 12 Edges

Dihedral Angle

Dihedral Angle [dahy-hee-druhl ang-guhl]
A dihedral angle is an angle formed in the intersection of two different planes. Not only is a dihedral angle important in geometry, but also in science since it is used to describe atom/molecule formation and in computer science.  


Volume [vol-yoom]
Volume is the amount of space/capacity a solid (3D) figure occupies. A way to think about volume is if you were to pour water in a box, the amount of water needed to fill that box is its volume. See the equations below to find the volume of each solid figure.

cube = a 3 
rectangular prism = a b c 
irregular prism = b h 
cylinder = b h = pi r 2 h 
pyramid = (1/3) b h 
cone = (1/3) b h = 1/3 pi r 2 h 
sphere = (4/3) pi r 3 ellipsoid = (4/3) pi r1 r2 r3  

Surface Area

Surface Area [sur-fis air-ee-uh]
Surface area in general, is the sum of the area of all shapes that covers the surface of a designated solid figure. Use the table below to find each solid figure's surface area equation.

Base Area

Base Area [beys air-ee-uh]
Base area is the area of a 3D figure's base.  As you will see in the table below, base area is very important to find both surface area and volume in an array of different solid figures. 

FigureVolumeLateral Surface AreaArea of theBase(s)Total Surface Area
Box (also called rectangular parallelepipedright rectangular prism)lwh2lh + 2wh2lw2lw + 2lh + 2wh
PrismBhPh2BPh + 2B
Right PyramidB
Right CylinderBhPh2BPh + 2B
Right Circular CylinderÏ€R2h2Ï€Rh2Ï€R22Ï€Rh + 2Ï€R2
Right Circular ConeÏ€Rs orÏ€R2Ï€Rs + Ï€R2 or

*Base area is 'B' in the above equations.

Oblique Prism

Oblique Prism [oh-bleek priz-uhm]
A prism where the bases are not alined with each other, unlike the right prism.

 As you can see in the solid above; all the lateral faces of an oblique prism are parallelograms.

Right Prism

Right Prism [rahyt priz-uhm]
A right prism is a prism which has its bases aligned one on top of the other while all of its lateral faces are rectangles.
*The above equations are applicable to Right Prisms

Cross Section

Cross Section [kraws sek-shuhn]
A cross section is the shape made by slicing straight through a solid figure.

Cross section is useful in geometry because it gives the shape when a 3D figure is cut through by a plane.   


Prism [priz-uhm]
A prism is a 3D object with the following characteristics:

  • identical ends/bases
  • flat sides
  • same cross section along its length
  • polyhedrons (all faces are flat and bases are polygons) 

* All the above solid objects are prisms


Polyhedron [pol-ee-hee-druhn]
A polyhedron is a 3D solid figure which is composed of a collection of polygons as their faces.

CubeTriangular PrismDodecahedron
Its faces are all squaresIts faces are triangles
and rectangles

Its faces are pentagons
*All of the above figure are polyhedrons 

Lateral Face

Lateral Face [lat-er-uhl feys]
Lateral face is the face which are not the base, the face which compliment the base. They are formed by lateral edges.  

 example of  Lateral Faces
he figure above has a hexagon as base, hence the name hexagonal prism. There are 6 lateral edges which help form and connect the 6 lateral faces. 

Lateral Edge

Lateral Edge [lat-er-uhl ej]
A lateral edge are the edges and points which form the lateral faces of a 3D figure.    example of  Lateral Edges

The figure above has a pentagon as base, hence the name pentagonal prism. There are 5 lateral edges which help form and connect the 5 lateral faces. 


Base [beys]
A base is one side (in solid geometry a base can also be one or two faces)  of a polygon most commonly used as a reference for other measurements such as: area, surface area, perimeter, volume etc.

Triangle showing its base and altitude Parallelogram showing bases
Triangles                            Quadrilaterals with a Pair of  Parallel Sides              Faces of a Solid 

A base are usually used in triangles, quadrilaterals with a pair of  parallel sides and faces of a solid figure. Definitely a key component to geometry allowing as to find wanted measurements of both two dimensional and three dimensional figures.  


Face [feys]
In any 3D shape that is composed of flat surfaces, each of these surfaces are called a face. The line where two faces meet are considered an edge.  

For example, the triangular prism above has 5 faces, 2 of them being a triangle and the other 3 being rectangles. Also in this prism there are 9 edges.    


Edge [ej]
In a 3D shape that is composed and produced of faces, an edge is a line segment where two surfaces meet. Where 3 or more edges meet, a vertex is created.  
The rectangular prism above there are 6 faces, therefore since an edge is where two surfaces meet, there are 12 edges in the solid figure.  



Vertex [vur-teks]
Plural: vertices [vur-tuh-seez]
A vertex is a common endpoint of two or more rays/line segments. 

Usually a vertex is a point/location where 2 lines meet.They are extremely important, a necessity in geometry especially when talking about shapes and figures. They can be used in 2D (a square has four vertices) and even with solid geometry, where since it is in a 3D plane, vertices are the point where 3 or more edges meet. Also in solid geometry, a vertex can also be called a corner.   
Vertex of a cube, showing where three edges meet at a corner