Sunday, March 1, 2015

Base Area

Base Area [beys air-ee-uh]
Base area is the area of a 3D figure's base.  As you will see in the table below, base area is very important to find both surface area and volume in an array of different solid figures. 

FigureVolumeLateral Surface AreaArea of theBase(s)Total Surface Area
Box (also called rectangular parallelepipedright rectangular prism)lwh2lh + 2wh2lw2lw + 2lh + 2wh
PrismBhPh2BPh + 2B
Right PyramidB
Right CylinderBhPh2BPh + 2B
Right Circular CylinderπR2hRhR2Rh + 2πR2
Right Circular ConeπRs orπR2πRs + πR2 or

*Base area is 'B' in the above equations.

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