Sunday, September 21, 2014

Parallel lines theorem and Perpendicular lines thereom

Parallel lines theorem [par-uh-lel lahyns thee-er-uhm]
Two lines are parallel if they're intersected by a transversal in such way that:

  • The corresponding angles are congruent.
  • The alternate interior angles are congruent.
  • The alternate exterior angles are congruent.
  • The same-side interior angles are supplementary (have a sum of 180 degrees).
  • The same-side exterior angles are supplementary (have a sum of 180 degrees).
Perpendicular lines theorem [pur-puh-n-dik-yuh-ler lahyns thee-er-uhm]
Given a line (line 1) and a point that's not located on that exact line, there is one and only one line through the given point that is perpendicular to the given line (line 1).

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